#AccessRights | ILabPascal - Meta Tags |
#Author | ILabPascal - Meta Tags |
#Caption | ILabPascal - Meta Tags |
#Certificate | ILabPascal - Meta Tags |
#DateTime | ILabPascal - Meta Tags |
#Encrypt | ILabPascal - Meta Tags |
#InstallBtn | ILabPascal - Meta Tags |
#MinILabVersion | ILabPascal - Meta Tags |
#Publish | ILabPascal - Meta Tags |
#ReadOnly | ILabPascal - Meta Tags |
#ScriptType | ILabPascal - Meta Tags |
#Version | ILabPascal - Meta Tags |
$HomeDir$ | Directory Structure |
$ScratchDir$ | Directory Structure |
$ScriptDir$ | Directory Structure |
$WorkDir$ | Directory Structure |
.anno | File Types |
.cube | File Types |
.dpt | Import: Opus Data Point Table |
.ilab | Metadata |
| File Types |
.ilbl | File Types |
.ilsc | File Types |
| Spectral Calibration Format |
.imsk | File Types |
.iscr | File Types |
.ispk | File Types |
| Installation of Scripts |
.libsmeta | ImportLightigoLibs |
.mat | LoadMATFile |
| SaveMATFile |
.part | File Types |
.pcmp | File Types |
.rdfm | File Types |
.scll | File Types |
| Spectral Collection Data Format |
.spdc | File Types |
.tdts | File Types |
1-sample chi2 test | Perform1SampleChi2Test |
1-sample t test | Perform1SampleTTest |
2-sample t test | Perform2SampleTTest |
2D Imager | Adjusting 2D Image Properties |
| Displaying 2D Images |
| Spectral Snapshots |
| TFrm2DImg |
| SetImageCursor |
| AddImgToRepository |
2D imager gui | Img2DGui |
32 bit version | Preferences - Varia |
3D matrix | CopyMatrixTo3DLayer |
| CopyVectorTo3DPixel |
| Copy3DLayerToMatrix |
| Copy3DArrayToCube |
3D surface plot | 3D Surface Plot |
4D hyper-cuboid | Data Model |
ABL | Predefined Spectral Descriptors |
Abort | Abort |
abort button | ScriptBar |
about box | About Box |
| FinalMsgAbout |
| AboutLink1Text |
| AboutLink1URL |
| AboutLink2Text |
| AboutLink2URL |
AboutLink1Text | AboutLink1Text |
AboutLink1URL | AboutLink1URL |
AboutLink2Text | AboutLink2Text |
AboutLink2URL | AboutLink2URL |
abs | Math Formulas - Constants, Variables, Operators |
| Common Math Functions |
absolute value | Common Math Functions |
| ScaleSpectrum |
| ScaleVector |
| MatrixAbs |
| VectorAbs |
| ScaleMatrix |
| AbsVal |
absorbance | Frequently Asked Questions |
| Predefined Arithmetic Conversions |
| PerformBulkTransform |
| WeightedBulkTransform |
AbsVal | AbsVal |
access rights | ILabPascal - Meta Tags |
| ILabPascal - Access Rights |
AccumulateLayer | AccumulateLayer |
AccumulateMatrix | AccumulateMatrix |
AccumulateVector | AccumulateVector |
action log | Preferences - Varia |
ActionLogLevel | SetSystemParams |
ActionLogMaxSize | SetSystemParams |
activation of the ImageLab license | Activate the License |
active/passive FTP | Passive |
ActiveLayer | ActiveLayer |
adaption of the user interface | Language Adaption of the User Interface |
add | PerformBulkTransform |
| WeightedBulkTransform |
| Add |
| Add |
| Add |
add particle edge | AddEdgePixels |
add particles | AnalyseAndAppend |
add pixel | AddParticlePixel |
add spectrum to spectral collection | AddSpecOfCircArea |
| AddSpecOfPixel |
| AddItem |
| AddSpecOfPolygonArea |
| AddSpecOfClustMean |
Add2DMat | Add2DMat |
Add3DMat | Add3DMat |
Add4DMat | Add4DMat |
AddCharArray | AddCharArray |
AddClass | AddClass |
AddContigRegionAsParticle | AddContigRegionAsParticle |
AddDataPoint | AddDataPoint |
AddEdgePixels | AddEdgePixels |
AddGridFilter | AddGridFilter |
AddImgToRepository | AddImgToRepository |
adding data points | AddDataPoint |
adding FT spectra | Fourier Analysis of Spectra |
adding layers | AddupLayers |
| Extending the Raw Data |
adding noise | How to Add Noise |
adding particles | AddContigRegionAsParticle |
adding photos | Adding Photos to the HSI Dataset |
adding spectral descriptors | AddSpdc |
| AddSpdcByParameters |
adding two vectors | Add |
AddItem | AddItem |
addition | Arithmetic/Logic Operators |
AddLayersToDatacube | AddLayersToDatacube |
AddMaskShape | AddMaskShape |
AddNewClass | AddNewClass |
AddNominalID | AddNominalID |
AddParticlePixel | AddParticlePixel |
AddPhoto | AddPhoto |
AddPixMask | AddPixMask |
AddQuantity | AddQuantity |
AddRow | AddRow |
AddSpdc | AddSpdc |
| AddSpdc |
AddSpdcByParameters | AddSpdcByParameters |
AddSpecOfCircArea | AddSpecOfCircArea |
AddSpecOfClustMean | AddSpecOfClustMean |
AddSpecOfPixel | AddSpecOfPixel |
AddSpecOfPolygonArea | AddSpecOfPolygonArea |
AddTextLabel | AddTextLabel |
AddToProtocol | AddToProtocol |
AddupLayers | AddupLayers |
AddXMLAttributes | AddXMLAttributes |
AdjustImgStackLayerParams | AdjustImgStackLayerParams |
AFM | Import: Witec Alpha 300 R+ (AFM Data) |
Agilent 7700 | Import: Agilent MassHunter (LA-ICP/MS) |
Agilent MassHunter | Import: Agilent MassHunter (LA-ICP/MS) |
Align | Align |
Alignment | TextLabels |
| Alignment |
| ColumnAlignment |
alignment of background image | BGImgAligned |
AllowLdIvSpdcs | SetSystemParams |
alpha | ConfidenceInterval |
Alt-B | Shortcut Keys |
Alt-C | Shortcut Keys |
Alt-D | Shortcut Keys |
Alt-E | Shortcut Keys |
Alt-I | Shortcut Keys |
Alt-P | Shortcut Keys |
Alt-R | Shortcut Keys |
Alt-T | Shortcut Keys |
Alt-X | Shortcut Keys |
ALV | Predefined Spectral Descriptors |
AlwaysUse32Bit | SetSystemParams |
analyse strings | Tokenize |
AnalyseAndAppend | AnalyseAndAppend |
Analytik Jena | Import: Bruker Aurora Elite |
Analyze 7.5 format | Importing Analyze 7.5 Data |
| ImportAnalyze75Data |
and | Math Formulas - Constants, Variables, Operators |
| Arithmetic/Logic Operators |
AnnotateImage | AnnotateImage |
annotations | Displaying 2D Images |
| Annotation Tool |
| Types of Annotations |
| How to Create Annotations |
| AnnotateImage |
| ClearAnnotations |
| ShowAnnotations |
annular region | MeanVarMatrixRing |
ANOVA | CalcAnovaReg |
| Anova1F |
Anova1F | Anova1F |
AppendExtData | AppendExtData |
appending external data | AppendExtData |
AppendToBinaryFile | AppendToBinaryFile |
AppendToTextFile | AppendToTextFile |
Application | ILabPascal - Global Variables |
application example | Application Example: Bank Card |
| Application Example: Elemental Analysis of Concrete |
| Application Example: Enrichment in a Dried Droplet |
| Application Example: Multisensor Analysis of Particulate Matter |
application icon | Preferences - Customization |
| IconFName |
application title | Preferences - Customization |
Applied Spectra | ImportASILibs |
Applied Spectra Inc. | Import: ASI LIBS (Clarity) |
ApplyCompassKernel | ApplyCompassKernel |
ApplyKirschKernel filter | ApplyKirschKernel |
ApplyRFModel | ApplyRFModel |
arccos | Math Formulas - Constants, Variables, Operators |
arcsin | Math Formulas - Constants, Variables, Operators |
arctan | Math Formulas - Constants, Variables, Operators |
area | Types of Annotations |
area measurement | Path Length / Area Measurement |
arithmetic conversions | Predefined Arithmetic Conversions |
arithmetic operators | Arithmetic/Logic Operators |
ArrangeStdWindows | ArrangeStdWindows |
array | ResizeMatrix |
| ResizeMat3D |
| ResizeVector |
| VectorNorm |
| ResizeIntMatrix |
| VectorDotProduct |
| VectorMultiply |
| VectorAbs |
| ResizeBoolMatrix |
| SortVector |
| ResizeStrArray |
| ShuffleIntArray |
array of charts | Using the Charts |
array of memos | Using the Memo Components |
array of tables | Using the Tables |
array stack | Class T2DArrayStack |
| CloneArray |
| FindByName |
| Pop |
| Push |
| PopToFile |
| Clear |
| PushFromFile |
ArrayName | ArrayName |
Arrow | Arrow |
| Types of Annotations |
artificial photo | Adding Photos to the HSI Dataset |
| CreateImgStackPhoto |
ARW | Predefined Spectral Descriptors |
ASC file | Format of ASC files |
| SaveMatrixAsASC |
| ExportAsASCFile |
| ImportASCFile |
| ReadFromASC |
| ReadHeaderOfASC |
ASC format | Format of ASC files |
| Export ASC/DataLab |
ASCII code | ASCII Code |
ASCII table | ASCII Code |
ASCII85 encoding | EncodeASCII85 |
| DecodeASCII85 |
ASI | Import: ASI LIBS (Clarity) |
AsNumber | AsNumber |
aspect ratio | SetSystemParams |
| Preferences - Images/Colors |
Assign | Assign (StringList) |
| Assign (Particles) |
| Assign (SpecCollection) |
| Assign (MetaData) |
| Assign (SpCollItem) |
| Assign (Spdc) |
| Assign (SpdcSet) |
| Assign (GridFilter) |
| Assign (FeatMatProps) |
| Assign (FeatureMatrix) |
| Assign (Mat4D) |
| Assign (DataTable) |
AssignColPal | AssignColPal |
AssignColPalFile | AssignColPalFile |
AssignGroups | AssignGroups |
assignment of class colors | Assign Class Colors |
assignment of classes | Dataset Editor |
| Create Binary Datasets |
AssocDFName | AssocDFName |
association | Lambda |
associative array | Class TAssocArray |
| Remove |
| Resolve |
| ResolveAsInt |
| ResolveAsNumber |
| ResolveAsString |
AsString | AsString |
asymmetric least squares | Baseline Correction |
atmospheric compensation | Atmospheric Compensation |
atomic force microscope | Import: Witec Alpha 300 R+ (AFM Data) |
attach photos | Adding Photos to the HSI Dataset |
AttachedForm | AttachedForm |
| AttachedForm |
| AttachedForm |
| AttachedForm |
| AttachedForm |
AttachToData | TextLabels |
attribute | RowAttrib |
| CopyRowAttToArray |
| CopyRowAttFromArray |
attribute editor | Pixel Attribute Editor |
attributes | Data Model |
| PixAttribNames |
| ColAttrib |
| SetColAttributes |
| SetRowAttributes |
| ColAttribLevels |
| RowAttribLevels |
| MaxColAttrib |
| MaxRowAttrib |
| MinColAttrib |
| MinRowAttrib |
Aurora | Import: ASI LIBS (Clarity) |
Aurora Elite | Import: Bruker Aurora Elite |
author | Metadata |
| ILabPascal - Meta Tags |
| Author |
| GetMetaData |
| Author |
auto color range | List of Available Video Tutorials |
auto-load data | Preferences - Varia |
AutoAdvance | AutoAdvance |
AutoColWidth | AutoColWidth |
AutoDDWndList | SetSystemParams |
automatic background detection | Image Mask Editor |
automatic background extraction | Automatic Background Extraction |
automatic generation of descriptors | Spectral Descriptor Generator |
automatic update | Update |
AutoRange | AutoRange |
AutoRangeXOnly | AutoRangeXOnly |
AutoRangeYOnly | AutoRangeYOnly |
AutoReloadData | SetSystemParams |
autoscaling of data | Standardize |
auxiliary parameter | AuxPar |
| NameAuxPar |
AuxPar | AuxPar |
availability of a file | FileExists |
available memory | GetMemoryStatus |
average | MeanOfLayersToArray |
average spectrum | Displaying 2D Images |
axes | Metadata |
| Details of the Axes Parameters |
| AxisCaption |
| AxisLabel |
axis calibration | CalcInvCalibCoeffs |
| SetCalibCoeffs |
| GetCalibCoeffs |
| CalibrateFromData |
AxisCaption | AxisCaption |
AxisLabel | AxisLabel |
AZtec | Import: Oxford Instruments EDS |