Home Tools Annotations How to Create Annotations | ||||||
See also: Displaying 2D Images, Annotation Tool, Types of Annotations, AnnotateImage
How to Create Annotations |
Annotations can be created in three ways:
(1) Using the Annotate command of the context menu of an image or spectral plot. When clicking Annotate in the spectral plot context menu the current cursor position is converted into an annotation.1) After clicking the command a small dialog windows opens which lets you edit the caption of the annotation. The caption can be multi-line comment which supports the processing of meta texts (i.e. the position of the cursor, or the index of the annotation). The figure at the right shows a two-line caption where the second line displays the spectral position of the annotation - the substring '\[x]' instructs Epina ImageLab to insert the actual position of the cursor. The raw data image of the 2D Imager supports three different types of annotations, depending on the state of the cursor buttons. If the spectral cursor button is pressed the current position of the cursor is converted into an annotation, if the lasso button is down and a lasso region has been selected the lasso line is converted into an annotation, and finally, if a cross section has been defined (with the cross section button being pressed) the part between the two crosshairs is converted into a distance annotation. (2) Using the Annotation Tool The annotation tool can be used both for creating new annotations and for editing existing annotations. Click the annotation button to open this tool, more details on how to work with this tool can be found in the Annotation Tool section. (3) Creating Annotations Programmatically Simple annotations can be created programmatically by means of ILabPascal (see AnnotateImage for details).