File Types

Epina ImageLab stores information in various data files:

Data Extension Description
Annotations .anno Epina ImageLab annotations. The annotations are stored in binary files.
Epina ImageLab Raw Data .cube Epina ImageLab raw data. The raw data are stored in binary form. Details on the format can be found here.
Epina ImageLab Metadata .ilab Native Epina ImageLab data format. This is the most flexible data format and should be used by default. Epina ImageLab data always consists of at least two files: the metadata description (file extension .ilab) and the raw data (extension .cube)
Baseline Parameters .ilbl Epina ImageLab baseline correction data. Stores the parameters of the selected baseline correction mode.
Epina ImageLab Calibration Data .ilsc Spectral calibration data. Stores the parameters of the spectral calibration tool. See the section on the spectral calibration format for details.
Image Mask .imsk Epina ImageLab pixel masks. The pixel masks are stored in binary form. Details on the format can be found here.
ILabPascal Script .iscr Epina ImageLab script, written in ILabPascal. Scripts have to be stored in the script directory or a subdirectory of it.
Installable Script Package .ispk Script packages contain a script plus all required auxiliary files this script requires. Basically script packages are zipped archives with the file extension .ispk (instead of .zip). When installing script packages they are unpacked to a dedicated subdirectory in the script directory.
Particle Data .part Detected particles are stored as formatted text data. See the section on the particle detector for details.
Pixel Attributes .pcmp Pixel Attributes map. Please note that the definition of the pixel attributes is stored in the .ilab file. The .pcmp file contains only the corresponding index values.
PLS Models .plsm The parameters of a PLS model.
Random Forest Models .rdfm The parameters of a random forest model.
Spectral Collection .scll The data of spectral collections are stored as formatted text data. Details on the format can be found here.
Spectral Descriptors .spdc The spectral descriptors.
Test & Training Datasets .tdts Test and training data for modelling and classification. These datasets can be edited by the Dataset Editor.