Release History
The table below lists the new features and improvements of the latest Epina ImageLab versions; bug fixes are only listed for the latest release. Click here to download the current release.
Release 4.09 [2021-06-04] |
New Features
- the new marker tool in 2D Imager helps to measure distances along the x-axis of the spectral diagram
- the new Menlo Systems import tool imports data from Menlo Systems THz imaging devices
- FFT based filter: added the Tukey windowing option; the results can now be optinally appended to the current dataset
- many minor improvements of the user interface
- Imagelab now asks the user to restart it if the license enables the 64 bit version
- improved user interface of the tool Fourier Analysis of Spectra
- the Dataset Editor now checks for duplicates and issues a warning (if there are already duplicates) or prevents them at all
- encryption of scripts is now improved to prevent problems with certain Asian installations
- new commands for ILabPascal:
- StitchDialog now allows to enforce FPA resolution
- StitchCubes extended by a second version
- RenameFile implemented
- several additional statistical functions: LillieforsPValue, LillieforsQuantile, MedianTest, PerformFTest, PerformLillieforsTest, PerformMannWhitneyUTest, WilcoxonSignedRankTest, ConfidenceInterval, DurbinWatsonTest, DurbinWatsonCrit5pct, Perform1SampleChi2Test, Perform1SampleTTest, Perform2SampleTTest
- new command to append external data: AppendExtData
- LoadIGTIFHeader allows to load the header of an IGTIF file
- new function to read in time and date: ScanDateTime
- the method TIlabTrnDataSet.CountDuplicates returns the number of duplicate data points in training sets
- the function VarInflatFactor calculates the VIF
Release 4.01 [2021-04-01] |
New Features
- the ILabPascal script engine now provides an integrated debugger
- the new PLS Regression Model supports the calculation of quantitative models
- new import interfaces supporting the following instruments:
- rebranding and customization capabilities for OEM suppliers allow to taylor ImageLab to your specific needs (please contact Epina for details)
- a script can now be executed upon startup of ImageLab by passing it as calling paramater
- all commands in the import menu of the main menu can now be configured by the user
- the reduction of data in the HCA is now faster by an order of magnitude
- scripts can now be encrypted
- implemented the command 'insert meta tags' in the script editor
- particle editor extended (speed improvement; various size distributions - size, area, length, width, aspect; 'done' flag; local class color table)
- the spectral resampling tool now displays the fit between original and resampled spectrum as a correlation chart
- PLS/DA now provides two buttons for 10-fold CVD and leave-a-quarter out
- the detect particles command is now available in all model applicators
- LIBSTool provides now an option to display only important lines in neighborhood; neighborhood plot is updated when spectral cursor moved
- improved Pixel Attribute Editor (creating masks from pixel attributes; improved user interface)
- Dataset Editor improved: better support of quantitative values; average class spectra; add random data in a rectangular region; speed up
- new validation tool for random forests
- many enhancements of ILabPascal and the built-in library. Following is the list of new function calls:
- system functions: SetSystemParams, CurrentVersion, CheckCPUID, GenerateCPUID, BlowFishDecryptStream, BlowFishEncryptStream, CallUSM, DeleteFiles, MoveToRecycleBin, GetBrandId, GetLicInfo, GetPublicLicInfo
- statistical functions: Chi2DistriDensity, Chi2DistriIntegral, Chi2DistriQuantile, BinomCoeff, LnBinomCoeff, BinomDistriDensity, BinomDistriIntegral, BinomDistriQuantile, UDistriDensity, UDistriIntegral, UDistriQuantile, CalcFishQ, DeanDixonCriticalValues, DeanDixonTest, ShapiroWilkIntegral, ShapiroWilkTest, nDistriDensity, nDistriQuantile, nDistriIntegral, tDistriDensity, tDistriQuantile, tDistriIntegral, FDistriDensity, FDistriIntegral, FDistriQuantile, Lambda
- particle support: new methods and properties of class TParticles: CFRawData, CFRawDataClasses, LoadCFRawData, ClassColors, LoadPERefSpecs
- FTP support: new class TFtpConnection
- spectral processing: CutPeakInAllSpectra, CutPeakInSpectrum, IsLineSpec, ProjectSpectrum
- image processing: CalcEdgePath, CreateEdgeOfParticle, EdgeVector
- general routines: CenterString, LeftString, RightString, EncodeDateTime, EncodeBase64, DecodeBase64, EncodeASCII85, DecodeASCII85, SortStringList, SHA1FromString, SHA1FromStream, SHA1FromFile, SHA1DigestToHex
- GUI routines: Frm2DImg.ShowAnnotations, Frm2DImg.ZoomImgFull
- vector and matrix processing: FillIntMatrix, LoadIntMatrixBin, SaveIntMatrixBin, LoadMat3DBin, SaveMat3DBin, LoadMatrixBin, SaveMatrixBin, SerializeArray, ReadBinaryArrayHeader, SumMatrixMasked, FillArrayRix, class Class T2DArrayStack, class TVector
- meta data: GetPhotoCalibPars, SetPhotoCalibPars, AxisLabel, LayerRequiresLineSpec, AddPhoto, CopyWLSclParsToMetaData
- import functions: ImportASILibs, ImportLightigoLibs, ImportPerkinElmerImgData
- varia: NumDialog, TextDialog, TRndForest.LoadModel, TRndForest.SaveModel
Release 3.20 [2020-04-22] |
New Features
- the customization tab in the preferences dialog has been extended by several properties
- the import of ENVI data has been improved
- several improvements and extensions in ILabPascal:
- improvements of stitching to support multiple ENVI data files with only one header file
- various general purpose commands implemented: FileCopy, SelectColor, StringIx, StripLTBlanks, Tokenize
- the new class TFrm2DImg supports programmatic access to the 2D imager, offering the following properties and methods:
- GetILabDir extended by an additional directory type (idCall)
- the new class TCustGuiProps provides programmatic access to the customisation parameters:
- implemented the color selection dropdown box as another component for CreateDialog
- deprecated ILabPascal functions are now indicated both in the help list and in the function monitor
Release 3.15 [2020-02-10] |
New Features
- deleting a spectral descriptor which forms an input to a virtual descriptor now creates a warning message
- the particle editor now supports the generation of pixel masks
- the signal analysis tool provides now an autoscale option in the spectral window
- lots of improvements and extensions in ILabPascal:
- ImportEnviData and LoadEnviDataToMemory now support user-defined extensions of the binary data files
- StitchCubes now supports the specification of file extensions of the binary ENVI parts
- StitchDialog and StitchCubes now support the reflection of the y-axis before stitching the tiles
- StitchDialog has been extended to support flexible coordinate extraction from file names
- extended F1 help system in script editor to show a list of topics if more than one topic fits a particular keyword
- programmatic access to the TFrmHCA">HCA user interface
- programmatic access to the VCA user interface
- programmatic access to the PCA user interface
- programmatic access to the 2D imager user interface
- programmatic access to the signal distribution analysis user interface
- new general functions: CPUCount, NumberedPos, NumberedPosBw, Lin3DAddr, ConvertLinTo3DAddr, ReadHeaderOfASC, StringExtractor, Squash
- additional methods and properties of the class TDataTable: MirrorColumns, MirrorRows, SortCols, SortRows, SortColAttributes, SortRowAttributes, SortColNames, SortRowNames, ColAttribLevels, RowAttribLevels, MaxColNameLength, MaxRowNameLength, MaxColAttrib, MinColAttrib, MaxRowAttrib, MinRowAttrib, CopyCellStatesFrom, CopyFrom, CountMarkedCellsInColumn, CountMarkedCellsInRow, ExportAsCSVFile, ImportCSVFile, ListOfCategorialVars, CreateContingencyTable, IsConstantColumn, ExchangeColumns, ExchangeRows, ExchangeMarkings, FillMarkedCells, IfAnyCellHasCellState, MeanCenterNumCellColumns, MeanCenterNumCellRows, Serialize, StandardizeNumCellColumns, StandardizeNumCellRows, FindColIndex, FindRowIndex, FindHighestMLevel, FindLowestMLevel, GeometricMeanOfNumCells, HarmonicMeanOfNumCells
- the new class TAssocArray supports associative arrays
- pixel masks can now be loaded from and saved on disk: TMetadata.LoadPixMask, TMetaData.SavePixMask
- TMat4D support extended: MinimumOfLayersToArray, MaximumOfLayersToArray, MeanOfLayersToArray,
AccumulateLayer, Clone, CopyFrom, FillDiag, MeanVar, MinMax, MirrorColumns, MirrorLayers, MirrorRows, MirrorTimeSlots, Percentile, Resample, SquaredSum, StdDevOfLayersToArray, Sum, Transpose
Release < 3.15 |
Release history of versions before release 3.15 is not available to the public |