Import: Bruker Aurora Elite

Command: File > Import Data > Bruker Aurora Elite

In order to import data from a Bruker Aurora Elite device, first export the image data as a text file. Please ensure that each text file contains only a single image.

The exported text file can be imported to Epina ImageLab by following the instructions below:

How To:
  1. Click the command "File>Import Data>Bruker Aurora Elite"
  2. Click the button "Read MS Data File" and select the data file to be imported.
  3. Select one or several masses to detect the backscan pattern. The best choice for this mass is a mass which is distributed evenly over the scanned area (for example, the masses 12 or 13 are good choices if the scanned sample contains carbon in the matrix). If there is no mass which is evenly distributed try to select all masses (the backscan pattern will be detected from the sum of all selected masses).
  4. Set the left and right boundaries of the data trace by moving the dashed cursor in both charts.
  5. Set the blue cursors in the left chart to two successive valleys (back scans) of the data trace. This setting is approximate and serves as a starting point for the exact calculation of the duration of a single scan line.
  6. Select the appropriate probe mode and the scan direction.
  7. Set the "Backscan" parameter. This parameter determines the duration of the backscan (measured in data samples) and is quite sensitive. It should be set to values close to the duration of the backscan. If you are not sure about the exact duration of the backscan, set it a few percent lower than the assumed value.
  8. Adjust the horizontal resolution (by default it is set to the same value as the vertical resolution)
  9. Click the "Refresh Preview" button. If the preview image is fine just go ahead, otherwise adjust the parameters and retry.
  10. Optionally, fill in the name of the sample and the name of the author.
  11. Click the "Import Data" button

(1) If you have a similar instrumental setup and you need to import your image data, please contact Epina. In many cases we can help you to get your data into Epina ImageLab.