Import Filter Configuration

User-defined data import filters can be created by external executables which are recognized by Epina ImageLab. In order to do so, you have to create two files:

  1. The executable which reads the data and creates a .cube (containing the raw data) and .ilab file (containing the meta data)
  2. A control script (having the file extension .iflt) which links the executable to Epina ImageLab.
When Epina ImageLab starts up it scans the script directory for all files with the extension .iflt (assuming that these scripts are representing control scripts) and adds these scripts to the main menu structure (in the command subtree File > Import Data).

A control script consists of a limited set of simple commands which are described below. Most of the commands are single line commands starting with the command identifier followed by the command parameters. A few, more complex commands, are multiline commands. Multiline command have always to be closed by a backslash and the command identifier. The script commands are executed in a linear way from top to bottom.

Following is the specification of the Epina ImageLab data processing commands:

Command Parameters Explanation & Details
#Author name Name of the author of the script
#Caption any single line text The visible name of the script. This text is displayed in the import menu tree of Epina ImageLab.
#Datetime DateTime Date of creation/modification of the script in the format yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss
#ScriptType ScriptId Specifies the type of the script. The following script types are currently defined:
  • cimg - chemical image created by the chemical image editor of Epina ImageLab
  • import - import filter for importing external data
  • userscript - a general script written by the user, no special model assumed. Please note that this type of user scripts is outdated and will not be supported in future releases of Epina ImageLab. Web recommend to use ILabPascal scripts instead, which are much more powerful and flexible.
#Publish - (no longer supported)
AddUsmImg (FName) Adds the image which has been previously calculated by the import filter to the repository of the 2D Imager.
CallUsm (FName) Calls the user supplied module FName. Epina ImageLab assumes that all user supplied modules are stored in its working directory, so no path is required. Please note that the command CallUsm of import scripts has nothing to do with the ILabPascal function CallUSM (which is similar but more powerful).
ExitOnUsmReport (return codes) The ExitOnUsmReport command defines which return codes of the USM started by "CallUSM" cause immediate abort and exit of the script. Using this command forces the script to terminate and skip the rest of the command lines if one of the specified return codes is received. Possible return codes can be: killed, userabort, and unprocessed.
USMControl (control statements) The command USMControl defines the information passed to the USM. The particular format of the passed information depends on the USM, the text between USMControl and \USMControl is simply passed to the USM without checking it for validity.
WinArrange - Arranges all windows of ImageLab to their default position.