
Declaration: TSpdc.Mode: TSpdcMode;
The property Mode defines the type of the spectral descriptor:
smPeakthe intensity at a single wavelength or mass
smAreathe summed intensity within a range of the spectrum
smCorrTemplthe correlation to a template peak
smCorrInvTemplthe correlation to an inverse template peak
smPkRatiothe ratio of two peaks
smCentroidthe location of the centroid
smArRatiothe ratio of two areas
smVirtSpdca virtual spectral descriptor
smIntGridFiltan intensity grid filter
smGCorrTemplthe correlation to a generalized Gaussian peak
smGCorrInvTemplthe correlation to an inverse generalized Gaussian peak
smVarDiffthe variance of the serial difference of a spectrum
smDeriv1the smoothed first derivative at a particular wavelength

Please see the predefined spectral descriptors for a detailed explanation of the various types of descriptors.