
Declaration: TMat4D.CountValues (LowCol, HighCol, LowRow, HighRow, LowLayer, HighLayer, LowTimeslot, HighTimeslot: integer; RangeLow, RangeHigh: double): integer;
The method CountValues returns the number of values which fall into the interval given by the parameters RangeLow and RangeHigh. The matrix is searched within the region specified by LowCol, HighCol, LowRow, HighRow, LowLayer, HighLayer, LowTimeSlot, and HighTimeSlot. Please note that this method may take considerable time if applied to large images (several seconds per billion values).

Hint: Setting both the low and high parameter of a dimension (i.e. LowCol and HighCol) to zero values forces the method to use all elements of that dimension.