
Declaration: ChartBook.Charts[].ScalePropsX[SclIx: integer]: TScalePropsHoriz;
The array property ScalePropsX controls the form and layout of the horizontal scales of the 16 data layers of a Chartbook chart. The parameter SclIx specifies the layer to be addressed. ScalePropsX contains the following sub-properties:

Caption: string; Caption of the scale. It may be positioned relative to the scale caption anchor point (see below) by setting the properties CaptionPosX and CaptionPosY.
CaptionAlignment: TAlignment; Alignment of the caption text
CaptionAnchor: TScaleUnitAnchor; Anchor of the scale caption
CaptionPosX: integer; Horizontal offset of the caption
CaptionPosY: integer; Vertical offset of the caption
Color: TColor; Color of the scale
DecPlaces: integer; The property DecPlaces determines the number of decimal places used for the scale. DecPlaces may take values between -3 and +12. The negative values entail the following effects:

-1 The labels on the scale are displayed using exponential notation.
-2 The number of decimal places is automatically adjusted according to the range of the axis. This mode is recommended for applications where the user is allowed to change the range of a scale, or for logarithmic scales.
-3 Only the exponent of the labels are displayed. This special value is valid only for logarithmic axes; in case of a linear axis it is treated as -2.

Note that the actual length of a single numeric label is restricted to 14 characters (decreasing the number of decimal places if necessary).

Font: TFont; Font of labels of the axis. Currently the following subproperties are supported:
Color ... the color of the font
Name ... the name of the font (for example, 'Courier New' or 'Arial')
Size ... the size of the font in points
Style ... supported styles: fsBold, fsItalic, fsUnderline, fsStrikeOut
Logarithmic: boolean; Scale is logarithmic if set TRUE. Logarithmic can be set to TRUE only if both RangeLow and RangeHigh are greater than zero. In the case of negative scales the setting of the Logarithmic property will not have any effect and Logarithmic is automatically reset to FALSE.
MinTicks: integer; Determines the minimum number of ticks on the scale which have to be labeled by numeric labels. The range of valid values for MinTicks includes zero and the range from 2 to 10. Setting MinTicks to a zero value forces the tick marks to be displayed at every integer value along the axis.
MinRange: double; Defines the minimum range the x-axis has to span. This property can be used to prevent users from zooming too much into the data. MinRange is set to 10-10, by default.
RangeLow: double; Left or bottom value of the scale. If the new value of RangeLow would result in an axis which covers a range smaller than MinRange, RangeHigh is automatically adjusted to span the minimum range as defined by MinRange.
RangeHigh: double; Right or top value of the scale. If the new value of RangeHigh would result in an axis which covers a range smaller than MinRange, RangeLow is automatically adjusted to span the minimum range as defined by MinRange.
ShortTicks: boolean; Displays short tick marks between scale ticks
ScaleInscript: string; Allows to add extra text to the scale labels. The text may precede a numeric label, or follow it, or even embed it. The position of the numeric label within the extra text can be specified by an "&" character in the text. The "&" character is a place holder for the numeric value and is replaced by it on the chart. The extra text may have a maximum length of 15 characters (including the "&" place holder).

Example: The figure below shows an example of how to include the string "dB" (decibel) with each numeric value on the axis. The property ScaleInscript is therefore set to "& dB".

Location: TScaleLocationHoriz; Controls the location of the scale: slTop displays the scale at the top of the chart, slBottom displays it at the bottom.
ScalePos: integer; Distance of the scale axis from the chart margin. A number greater than zero moves the entire scale away from the chart margin (independent of the location of the scale).
Visible: boolean; Controls the visibility of the scale