
Declaration: ChartBook.Charts[].CrossHair[chIdx: integer]: TCrossHair;
The array property CrossHair defines the form and layout of the four available crosshairs. The parameter chIdx may assume a value from 1 to 4, values beyond this range are contrained to the nearest of the two borders (for example, assigning a value of 7 to chIdx will be in effect the assignment of a value of 4). The CrossHair property supports the following sub-properties:

PosX: double; Position on x-axis.
PosY: double; Position on y-axis.
Color: TColor; Color of crosshair.
Layer: integer; Assigns a crosshair to a layer. By default, the crosshairs 1 to 4 are assigned to the chart layers 1 to 4.
Mode: TCrossHMode; Defines the layout of the crosshair:
chOff... crosshair is switched off
chHoriz... horizontal line
chVert... vertical line
chBoth... full crosshair
chCrossBox... small crosshair
chBox... square box
LineType: TPenStyle; Defines the pen style for the crosshair. LineType may assume one of the following values:
psSolid (solid line)
psDot (dotted line)
psDash (dashed line)
psDashDot (dash-dot combinations)
psDashDotDot (series of dash-dot-dot combinations)
Note that the LineType will be effective only if LineWid is set to 1
LineWid: integer; Defines the line width of the crosshair. Note that lines broader than 1 will always be drawn as solid line, even if LineType is set to some other value.

Hint 1: Please note that the visible crosshairs can be dragged by using the mouse if the property MouseAction is set to maDragCrossH.