ILabPascal - Special Data Types [S]

In addition to the standard data types of ILabPascal the scripting engine provides several predefined data types which are specifically needed in some function calls.

Declaration Explanation & Details
ShortString = string[255]; A ShortString is 0 to 255 single-byte characters long.
TScaleLocationHoriz = (slTop, slBottom); Declares the two possible positions (and orientations) of a horizontal axis. The scales are oriented in a way that the line of the scale is always at the side of the chart border.
TScaleLocationVert = (slLeft, slRight); Declares the two possible positions (and orientations) of a vertical axis. The scales are oriented in a way that the line of the scale is always at the side of the chart border.
TScaleUnitAnchor = (uaSclTopLft, uaSclCenter, uaSclBotRgt); Declares how the unit identifier of a scale is anchored.
TSclType = (sctMeanCenter, sctStandardize,
sctConstSum, sctConstSquaredSum, sctMaxAbs,
sctRange, sctQNormalize, sctSquash, sctUndefined);
Defines the available scaling procedures (see ScaleSpectrum for more).
TSHACode = array [0..19] of Byte; Declares the data structure for the SHA-1 digest, which has a length of 160 bits. For more information on the SHA algorithm see the section Background Information on SHA.
TShapeKind = (skRectangle, skEllipse, skCircle, skRing); Declares how the kind shape used in function AddMaskShape.
TSignifLevelEx = (Dot001, Dot002, Dot005, Dot010,
Dot020, Dot050, Dot100, Dot200, Dot500);
Defines a few often used levels of significance in statistical testing
TSpCollItemType = (ciPixel, ciCircArea, ciPolygon, ciReference, ciClustMean); Declares the kind of spectrum in a spectral collection.
TSpdcMode = (smUndefined, smPeak,
smArea, smCorrTempl, smPkRatio,
smCentroid, smArRatio, smCorrInvTempl,
smVirtSpdc, smIntGridFilt, smGCorrTempl,
smGCorrInvTempl, smVarDiff, smDeriv1);
Defines the type of a spectral descriptor (see AddSpdcByParameters)
TSpecDesc = record
              Version     : byte;
              Mode        : TSpdcMode;
              GridFilter  : array of TGridFiltData;
              Group       : integer;
              ContentType : TLayerType;
              DerivOrder  : integer;
              Name        : string[16];
              Caption     : string[16];
              ColorMap    : string[60];
              VirtSpdc    : string[100];
              Peak1       : double;
              Peak2       : double;
              BaseLineP1  : double;
              BaseLineP2  : double;
              BLMode      : TBLMode;
              BLNeighb    : integer;
Defines the data of a spectral descriptor (deprecated, use the class TSpdc instead).
TSpecPoint = array[1..2] of double; Declares a point of a spectrum. The first element of the array is the wavelength or mass, the second element contains the intensity
TSpectrum = array of TSpecPoint; Declares a general spectrum which is defined by spectral points.
TSpecSimi = (spsEuclidean, spsCorr,
spsSigCorr, spsSpecAngle);
Defines the supported similarity operations (see function SpectralSimilarity).
TSpecSmoothMode = (spsmMovAvg, spsmWgtAvg,
spsmPolynomial, spsmMovMed, spsmPenSpline,
spsmSincLP, spsmSincHP, spsmSincBP,
spsmSincBS, spsmChebychevLP);
Declares the supported spectral smoothing methods (see SmoothAllSpectra and SmoothSpectrum).
spsmMovAvg ... moving average
spsmWgtAvg ... weighted moving average
spsmPolynomial ... Savitzky-Golay polynomial smoothing
spsmMovMed ... moving median
spsmPenSpline ... penalized spline
spsmSincBP ... windowed sinc bandpass filter
spsmSincBS ... windowed sinc bandstop filter
spsmSincLP ... windowed sinc lowpass filter
spsmSincHP ... windowed sinc highpass filter
spsmChebychevLP ... Chebychev lowpass filter
TStatOp = (soMean, soStdDev, soMin, soMax); Defines the type of statistical operator to be applies by ExtractFromCubeLayers and CreateImgStackPhoto:
soMean ... means
soStdDev ... standard deviations
soMin ... minima
soMax ... maxima
TStitchMode = (smFullSpec, smSelLayers, smSpecDesc); Defines the options for stitching data:
smFullSpec ... use all available layers
smSelLayers ... use only selected layers
smSpecDesc ... use spectral descriptors
TStrArray = array of string; Declares an open array of strings.