In addition to the standard data types of ILabPascal the scripting engine provides several predefined data types which are specifically needed in some function calls.
Declaration |
Explanation & Details |
TMaskCombination = (mcAND, mcOR); |
Defines the possible logical combinations of bit masks; see CombineMasks |
TMaskOp = (moCopy, moAdd, moRemove, moInvert); |
Declares the mode of operation of the MaskByThreshold function. |
TMatlab4DatFormat = (mtl4dfDouble, mtl4dfSingle, mtl4dfInt32, mtl4dfInt16, mtl4dfUInt16, mtl4dfUInt8); |
Declares the numeric data types supported by MatLab 4 |
TMatlab4NumFormat = (mtl4nfLittleEndian, mtl4nfBigEndian, mtl4nfVAXDFloat, mtl4nfVAXGFloat, mtl4nfCray); |
Declares the types of binary number formats supported by MatLab 4 |
TMatlab5ArrayType = (mtl5atUndefined, mtl5atCellArray, mtl5atStructure, mtl5atObject, mtl5atCharacterArray, mtl5atSparseArray, mtl5atDouble, mtl5atSingle, mtl5atInt8, mtl5atUInt8, mtl5atInt16, mtl5atUInt16, mtl5atInt32, mtl5atUInt32, mtl5atInt64, mtl5atUInt64, mtl5atFunction, mtl5atOpaque, mtl5atObjectFromMatrix); |
Declares the types of arrays supported by MatLab 5. Please note that the type mtl5atUndefined had to be declared for syntactical reasons and is actually not supported by MatLab. |
TMatlab5DatFormat = (mtl5dtUndefined, mtl5dtInt8, mtl5dtUInt8, mtl5dtInt16, mtl5dtUInt16, mtl5dtInt32, mtl5dtUInt32, mtl5dtSingle, mtl5dtReserved1, mtl5dtDouble, mtl5dtReserved2, mtl5dtReserved3, mtl5dtInt64, mtl5dtUInt64, mtl5dtMatrix, mtl5dtCompressed, mtl5dtUTF8, mtl5dtUTF16, mtl5dtUTF32); |
Declares the numeric data types supported by MatLab 5. Please note that the type mtdl5dtUndefined had to be declared for syntactical reasons and is actually not supported by MatLab. |
TMatlab5Header = record
DescriptiveText : string;
Version : Int16;
ByteSwapping : boolean;
Declares the MatLab 5 header |
TMatlab5MatrixInfo = record
NrOfDims : integer;
SizeOfDim : TIntArray;
Imaginary : boolean;
Global : boolean;
Logical : boolean;
ClassType : TMatlab5ArrayType;
MatrixName : string;
Offset : integer;
SubElementLevel : integer;
Declares the MatLab 5 matrix description |
TMatlab5MatrixInfoArray = array of TMatlab5MatrixInfo; |
MatLab 5 matrix infos for an array of matrices. |
TMScaleType = (stUnknown, stNominal, stOrdinal, stInterval, stRatio); |
Declares the level of measurement of a variable (= column of the data table). |
TMorphKernelType = (mktSquare, mktSpade, mktCircle); |
Declares the types of supported morphological kernels. |
TMouseActMode = (maNone, maPan, maPanHoriz, maPanVert, maPanGrid, maRubberBand, maZoom, maZoomWind, maZoomWindPos, maZoomDrag, maDragCrossH, maDragLabel, maRotate, maRotAndZoom, maRotXOnly, maRotZOnly, maSelectRect, maDrawMTrace, maZoomPanColors); |
The type definition TMouseActMode declares the possible mouse actions (please note that not all defined mouse actions are available within Chartbook):
maNone |
no special action at all |
maPan |
panning the map window |
maPanHoriz |
panning the map window only in horizontal direction |
maPanVert |
panning the map window only in vertical direction |
maPanGrid |
panning the map window along the grid; the shifting distance matches the grid defined by PanGridDx and PanGridDy |
maRubberBand |
displaying a rubberband from the position of the last mouse click to the current mouse position |
maSelectRect |
displaying a rectangular rubberband frame for selection purposes |
maZoom |
zooming into a rectangular region of the data |
maZoomWind |
zooming into a rectangular region of the data |
maZoomWindPos |
zooming into a rectangular region of the data (with automatic correction of axis direction). |
maZoomDrag |
zooming in and out by dragging the mouse |
maDragCrossH |
drag the visible crosshairs |
maDragLabel |
drag the user defined text labels |
maRotAndZoom |
a combination of maRotate and maZoom. |
maRotate |
rotate the data without restriction |
maRotXOnly |
rotate around X-axis |
maRotZOnly |
rotate around Z-axis |
maDrawMTrace |
record the trace of the mouse |
maZoomPanColors |
zoom and pan color scales |
TMsgDlgBtn = (mbYes, mbNo, mbOK, mbCancel, mbAbort, mbRetry, mbIgnore, mbAll, mbNoToAll, mbYesToAll, mbHelp, mbClose); |
Defines the different types of buttons available in MessageDlg |
TMsgDlgButtons = set of TMsgDlgBtn; |
Declares the set of buttons used in MessageDlg. |
TMsgDlgType = (mtWarning, mtError, mtInformation, mtConfirmation, mtCustom); |
Defines the different types of the dialog types used in MessageDlg. |