ILabPascal - Special Data Types [L]

In addition to the standard data types of ILabPascal the scripting engine provides several predefined data types which are specifically needed in some function calls.

Declaration Explanation & Details
TLanguage = (lgUnknown, lgEnglish, lgGerman, lgFrench, lgSpanish); The type declaration TLanguage defines the languages supported by ScanDateTime.
TLayerType = (ctUndefined,ctIRspec,ctMSPos,
Defines the kind of information a particular layer contains. Please note that the layer type ctPixMask is no longer supported and must not be used (it has not been removed for compatibility reasons). The following layer types are declared:
ctUndefined .... undefined/unknown property type
ctIRspec ....... IR spectrum
ctMSPos ........ MS positive spectrum (lines)
ctMSPosRaw ..... MS positive spectrum (continuous)
ctMSNeg ........ MS negative spectrum (lines)
ctMSNegRaw ..... MS negative spectrum (continuous)
ctMSsim ........ MS single ion monitoring (lines)
ctRaman ........ Raman spectrum
ctUvVis ........ UV/VIS/NIR spectrum
ctColor ........ individual color
ctRGBcolors .... red green and blue from a color image (always three layers!)
ctBwImg ........ black and white image (gray scale 0..255 per pixel)
ctPixMask ...... pixel mask (deprecated!! masks are managed in an extra structure from version 1.0 upwards)
ctPhysProp ..... physical properties
ctTHzSpec ...... THz spectrum
ctImpulse ...... impulse over time
ctOESRaw ....... optical emission spectroscopy (single lines)
ctOESsl ........ optical emission spectroscopy (single lines)
ctEDX .......... energy dispersive xray (single lines)
ctEDXRaw ....... energy dispersive xray (raw spectra)
ctSIMS ......... SIMS lines
ctAFM .......... AFM layers
ctIRdiscrete ... discrete infrared lines
ctClassMap ..... classification results
ctChemMap ...... chemical map
ctSpecDesc ..... spectral descriptor
ctPhaseSpec .... phase spectrum
ctMagSpec ...... magnitude spectrum
ctPowerSpec .... power spectrum
ctLibsRaw ...... LIBS raw data (continuous spectrum)
ctLibssl ....... LIBS single line data
ctTime ......... time
ctInvalid ...... indicates an invalid layer type