
Declaration: TRndForest.SaveModel (FName, Key: string; Mode: TRDFEncryptMode): integer;
Epina ImageLab supports the encryption of random forest models, binding them to either a licence ID or a license group (see the section Encryption of a Random Forest Model for details).

The method SaveModel stores the RF model in encrypted bounded form. There are five different modes of encryption (controlled by the parameter Mode):
rfemNoEncryption The stored RF model is not encrypted at all. The parameter Key is not evaluated and can be left empty.
rfemPassword The RF model is encrypted using a user-defined password (parameter Key). This mode is equivalent to the function SaveOnDisk.
rfemUserLicID The RF model is encrypted and bound to the license ID of the current user. The parameter Key is not evaluated and can be left empty.
rfemForeignLicID The RF model is encrypted and bound to a foreign license ID specified in the parameter Key. Please note that the specified license key must valid.
rfemLicGroup The RF model is encrypted and bound to a license group specified in the parameter Key.

The function returns the following error codes:

 0 ... everything is OK, the random forest has been stored
-1 ... cannot save the model (i.e. disk full, write protection)
-2 ... invalid License ID
-3 ... password must not be empty