
Declaration: CopyArrayColumn (SrcArr: TDouble2DArray; Col, RowLo, RowHi: integer; var DstArr: TDoubleArray): integer;
The function CopyArrayColumn copies the contents of the given column Col of the two-dimensional source array SrcArr to the one-dimensional destination array DstArr. All rows of the column Col from given indices RowLo to RowHi will be copied. Indices are 0-based. Setting both parameters RowLo and RowHi to zero values defaults to the entire column.

The destination array DstArr is automatically resized to accomodate the results.

The function returns the following error codes:

 0 ... everything is OK
-1 ... SrcArr has size zero size
-2 ... RowLo and/or RowHi do not constitute a valid range
-3 ... Col is not valid