Calculates the coefficients of a highpass sinc filter. The coefficients which are returned in the array FilterKernel can be used by the functions KFilterSpectra and KFilterSpectraEdgeSpecial to apply a highpass filter to a signal. The open array FilterKernel is automatically resized to contain KLength elements.
The parameter KLength determines the roll-off of the filter. As a rule of thumb the transition bandwidth BW can be estimated by
BW = 4/KLength.
The parameter CutOffFQ controls the cutoff frequency, which is specified as a fraction of the sampling rate. Thus the CutOffFQ parameter may assume values between 0 and 0.500. The following figure shows the influence of the kernel length on the roll-off at a fixed cutoff frequency (left diagram, fc = 0.2) and the roll-off of different cutoff frequencies using the same kernel length (right diagram, KLength = 41).
The parameter Windowing determines the type of windowing applied to the filter kernel. Currently the following windowing modes are supported:
0 ... no windowing
1 ... Hamming window
2 ... Blackman window
The function returns the following error codes:
0 ... everything is ok
-1 ... KLength must be odd
-2 ... KLength is out of range (valid: 3 to 999)
-3 ... invalid Windowing
-4 ... cutoff frequency is out of range