Code: Select all
program Annotate;
#AUTHOR Hans Lohninger
#DATETIME 2020-10-08 18:23:55
#CAPTION a short demo to show program-generated annotations
DELTA = 10; // shift of label in world coordinates
LENARROW = 20; // length of arrow in pixels
centerX : double;
centerY : double;
XUnit : double;
YUnit : double;
centerx := MData.IndexToWorld(dimX, MData.SizeX div 2); // center of image
centerY := MData.IndexToWorld(dimY, MData.SizeY div 2);
XUnit := MData.UnitSize (dimX, 1); // unit length
YUnit := MData.UnitSize (dimY, 1);
Img2DGui (0,0,0,0,true); // activate 2D Imager GUI
Frm2dImg.ClearAnnotations (0); // clear old annotations
// now create four different annotations
// please note that the following commands assume that both the x- and the y-axis
// is in positive direction (i.e. from left to right and from bottom to top)
Frm2dImg.AnnotateImage (0, centerX, centerY-DELTA*YUnit, dirUpward, LENARROW, clNavy, clWhite,
'UP-verylong 012345678901234567890123456789', false);
Frm2dImg.AnnotateImage (0, centerX, centerY+DELTA*YUnit, dirDownWard, LENARROW, clWhite, clBlack,
'DOWN', false);
Frm2dImg.AnnotateImage (0, centerX+DELTA*XUnit, centerY, dirLeftWard, LENARROW, clRed, clWhite,
'LEFT', false);
Frm2dImg.AnnotateImage (0, centerX-DELTA*XUnit, centerY, dirRightWard, LENARROW, clYellow, clYellow,
'RIGHT', true);
- Hans